Back in the studio!
Recently I have made an effort to get back in the studio.
I was contacted through Model Mayhem by a fantastic make up artist by the name of Deepi from Beauty Republic .
She suggested that we cooperate on some ideas we both had. Deepi wanted to try some different make up techniques so we booked a couple of sessions in the studio.
The first was with a great Model by the name of Emily Napier. Emily was such a joy to photograph and was really great at posing and moving.
I was using the usual Bowens Gemini lights with a black vinyl backdrop. My main light was using a 4ft Octobox which gives great catchlights in the eyes.
The first shot was a close up of a fish that Deepi and painted over her eye on one side of her face.
Then we did another style. This time with a slightly retro feel about it:-
Still with the same look I wanted to try another lighting style. This time I used a snooted light from behind Emily with a mirror reflecting the light back into her face. I masked the mirror to form a slit so that it gave a type of letterbox style to the light.

This time the light was reflected into her face from a mirror which had been masked to form a letterbox look
Finally we ventured out of the studio into my garden to take some shots outside and luckily the weather was fair.